Baby feet
Baby feet

Common Conditions

Verruca Pedis

A virus which often arises when the immune system is low. In theory if left they should resolve on their own, however I have known people to have them for years. Treatment can be very hit and miss, the most common are over the counter treatments or freezing (cryosurgery) of the lesion.
Sherburn Foot Clinic does not treat verrucae as treatment can be long and costly. What we can do is diagnose the verruca, remove overlying hard skin (which usually eliminates pain) and provide advice.


Ingrowing Toenails

A painful condition in which the sides of the toe nail pierces the skin. It is very tempting to try to 'dig' the painful piece of nail out yourself but in the long term is does tend to worsen the problem. It is important to seek professional advice regarding this problem. With the correct treatment and education they can be managed effectively. Recurrent infections and inflammation suggests the need for nail surgery. At the moment Sherburn Foot Clinic is not equipped to offer nail surgery, however I can advise and refer if necessary.


Athletes Foot

This is a fungal infection that commonly occurs on feet due to the 'environment' in which they are kept in. Between the toes it presents as white 'soggy' areas that become sore and itchy, the most effective treatment is an anti-fungal spray. On the soles of the feet small blisters or peeling and flaky skin is evident an anti-fugal cream is advisable. I would suggest to seek advice if you are unsure of the problem as other skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can also occur on feet.


Fungal Nail Infection

This is a common complaint that causes the nail to thicken, discolour and often become crumbly. This is treated either by a paint applied to the nail or a course of tablets, both of these treatments are obtained from the GP.
Podiatrists can help to alleviate symptoms by reducing the thickness of the nail and clearing infected matter. Not all thick discolored nails are due to a fungal infection, another common cause is trauma, so it is always important to seek advice.



A corn is a small cone shaped area of hard dead skin which presses on the underlying nerve endings and can cause intense pain. They are usually caused by pressure and friction from shoes and the ground surface. Occasionally they are found between the toes but are more commonly found on the ball of the foot and on the top of the toes but they can be found anywhere on the foot. They are easily removed or reduced in size giving instant relief from pain.


Hard Skin (Callus)

A callus is an area of hard dead skin caused by friction and pressure from shoes and the ground surface. Calluses often produce a painful burning sensation on the sole of the feet. They are often easily reduced in size giving instant relief.


Dry Skin

Painful cracks in the skin can develop if the skin becomes excessively dry, especially around the heels. Dry, thickened skin usually needs to be removed and moisturising cream applied to help reduce the affects of this condition. Regular application of specific moisturising creams can help to significantly improve the quality of the skin.


Home Treatments

A product used often by people is medicated corn plasters. Podiatrists/ Chiropodists do not advise the use of these as they usually make the corn and surrounding skin very painful, the area open to infection and subsequent treatment difficult. I always give my clients advice on how they can care for their feet, usually by the use of a foot file or pumice stone and by applying moisturising cream regularly. However, I would suggest to seek expert advice before commencing home treatment especially if you have Diabetes, poor circulation or any medical condition that effects the immune system. Always use any home treatments or products with care.

We are located at:

Sherburn Foot Clinic
14 Finkle Hill
Sherburn in Elmet
LS25 6EA


Contact us today!

If you wish to make an appointment please contact us by telephone on : 01977 685357.

If you have any questions or queries please contact us by either email at :

or telephone on : 01977 685357

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